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Balsporran B&B
Balsporran bed and breakfast, our new home in a weeks time, looking forward to living in Dalwhinnie 😀❤️
Balsporran bed and breakfast, our new home in a weeks time, looking forward to living in Dalwhinnie 😀❤️
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I was present at the unveiling of this cairn. A pi...yes i remember her mary long time agoo have one of these. exact same. worth anything ?This is my father James Sharkey my mother is Agnes...The boy on the left is my brother James Sharkey an...Johnnie was my granda Donnie's brother and I have ...My wife and I spent the first night of our honeymo...loved the village when i worked at the grampian ho...Silly question, is this site accessible? I guess i...In 1841 my great great grandfather, James MacDonel...My image of the two bottles found this site before...