Dalwhinnie Voices
No: 175 Contributor: Douglas Abercrombie Year: 2000
Crash site near Loch Pattack World War 2 saw the loss of at least 4 Dalwhinnie men. However, it should not be forgotten that many others lost their lives around the village. This is the crash site near Loch Pattack of a "Whitley Bomber" Mark 5 regn."LA 877" No. 19 "Operational Training Unit" RAF Lossiemouth. It crashed on 3rd July 1943 with the loss of all on board. I believe that there are 2 other crash sites not far away with similar loss of life. The sky over Loch Ericht is still used by the RAF for training flights.
Picture added on 04 October 2011 at 17:41
Does anyone have any information on an RAF Spitfire accident between Dalwhinnie and Newtonmore in 1942? The Spitfire (R6886) was on a training flight on 5 November 1942 when the cockpit started to fill with smoke. As there was nowhere to put it down, the pilot Sgt Harvey bailed out successfully. The Spitfire crashed somewhere between Dalwhinnie and Newtonmore. I am trying to locate where it came down. Do any local people recall this event? I would be very grateful to hear from you. I can be emailed or telephoned on 07890 892147.
Added by Elliott Smock on 08 October 2013
Silly question, is this site accessible? I guess it would be a serious trek for the inexperienced. The navigator was a cousin of mine, and I've only just managed to trace accident details. It would be interesting to visit the grave site, which I learnt is at Kinloss Abbey, just curious about the accident site.
Added by D Bennett on 11 April 2016