Dalwhinnie Voices

Dalwhinnie WC Graffiti
A walk around Dalwhinnie
170452 Dalwhinnie
Dalwhinnie Voices
170452 Dalwhinnie

The Inverness to Edinburgh service.
Picture added on 05 August 2010
It was aways round about Dalwhinnie that the train guard of the old-fashioned sleeper in the 1960s/70s would knock on your door with a tray of strong morning tea. You'd rub your bleary eyes and sit on the little sink lid in the corner, haul down the window (pre air-con) and breathe out the last lungful of London Euston air and breathe in the Highlands and think: 'I'm home'...
Added by Verity Walker on 26 August 2010
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The Railway

Dalwhinnie station in the snowTrain leaving Dalwhinnie Locomotive 'Ben Alder' Movements of Rapier - General Montgomery's train Dalwhinnie stationHighland Railway locomotive Locomotive 'Ben Alder'Locomotive Steam train at Dalwhinnie station The 'Great Marquess' steam train