Dalwhinnie Voices
No: 577 Contributor: Mark Cullen Year: 2015
New Picture29.07.81-Boats on Loch Ericht(1) - Wednesday 29th July 1981 was a big day for a certain Mr Charles Windsor and his blushing Bride to be, the then Lady Diana Spencer. But, while they were otherwise engaged with their nuptials in St Paul's Cathedral, London, the day dawned bright and sunny on Ben Alder Estate. Geordie Oswald, Donald MacDonald and Jimmy Dunbar decided to watch the proceedings on TV, which left two ghillies with an unexpected day off. After breakfast, as the day warmed up, I had a swim in Loch Ericht (freezing, even in mid summer) and was sunbathing on the old wooden pier when a party of schoolkids and their teachers arrived with sailing dinghies and this very sporty looking safety boat. They then proceeded to have a very pleasant day in the most idyllic of settings, a flat calm Loch Ericht, surrounded by the hills of Ben Alder and Drumochter with a scorching sun roasting them all day.
Picture added on 27 August 2015 at 19:53