The Distillery
Dalwhinnie's distillery is now owned by Diageo and attracts visitors from all over the world to sample its delicious heathery, fruity whisky. Some local people still work there, but not as many as 50 years ago due to centralisation and automatisation of some of the manufacturing process.
Dalwhinnie Distillery Dalwhinnie Distillery - part of the "Aviemore Balloon Festival" 1995 - per Maureen Stronach.
Davie Bridges Davie Bridges now resident in Kingussie still enjoying a hard earned retirement. A further pic will ...
Johnnie Leech Johnnie Leech - Excise Officer at Dalwhinnie Distillery 1950's.
Albion Old Highland Whisky Old and very empty bottle of "Albion Old Highland Whisky" per James Munro & Son Ltd, Dalwhinnie Dist...