Dalwhinnie Voices
No: 387 Contributor: Douglas Abercrombie Year: 2000
Looking over Loch Ericht Looking over Loch Ericht to "An Tochalt" and the Faro on a beautiful day.
Picture added on 28 February 2012 at 18:00
I took that picture on a days fishing in May. Did not catch any fish, I blame the conditions.
Added by James Christie on 04 March 2012
Loch Ericht never fishes well on a calm day!I thought the pic came from Ross?
Anonymous comment added on 09 March 2012
Loch Ericht never fishes well on a calm day!I thought the pic came from Ross?
Anonymous comment added on 09 March 2012
Ross uploaded the picture, don't know where he got it from, I did enter it into a BBC photo competition, maybe Ross got it from there?
Added by James Christie on 05 June 2012
Dinnae ken ony mair-I thought it came from Ross-but as you are the photographer James-well done=a beauty!Agree that Loch Ericht has never fished well on a calm day.
Anonymous comment added on 05 June 2012